Sunday, December 5, 2010

Grey Cup 2010 -Saskatchewan Roughriders!! (and my New Camera)

So today I post about the 98th Grey Cup (late I know) and my new Camera!
The day I got out of camp I received a message from my dad asking if I wanted to go to the Grey Cup - of course I did! My family are all HUGE Saskatchewan Roughriders Fans. In the end my Mum, Dad, Aren, my Sister, my Brother and Myself all went to the game in Edmonton.
Our beloved Riders didn't win but we sure had a lot of fun cheering them on!
My Brother and I all decked out or the game enjoying some Timmy's.

Here we all are pre-game (Aren is taking the picture). Luckily it wasn't minus 25 or anything, I think it was only minus 10. We were bundled up for sure once it got underway!

My Sister and I with more crazy Roughrider Fans. The Mad Hatter, Gumby and an all Green Joker!!!!!!!
It was a sea of green in the stadium, Rider fans are the best fans around.

Go Riders Go!!!!!
Our new camera took amazing photos of the game, you can't even tell how far away we really are.

Did I mention it was cold? My Sister and I all bundled up with Mum and Dad in the background.

Can you believe the stadium? Something like 60,000 people were there!
Now you can tell how far away we are......
It was sad that we didn't win the cup but like I said it was super fun to be there. Originally we only had 4 tickets in a row so all 6 of us wouldn't have been able to sit together. I devised a plan though whereby Aren and I bought slightly better tickets than the ones my sister had bought and then traded them with two people who were sitting in the same row as my family. It worked!!! And we actually paid slightly less per ticket than my sister had because we got them pretty last minute.
Go Riders Go!

And this is our lovely new camera! Aren bought it for me last month but I was unable to take it out to camp as I didn't have a proper protective case yet. I am super excited to try taking some sweet pictures outside at camp - Northern Lights!!
Coming Soon : Hallowe'en Costumes!


Tracy Krauss said...

It was super fun and even though we lost I'm glad we went! GREEN is STILL the colour!

Gabriele von Conga-Baeren said...

Du hattest richtig Spaß, das sieht man. Gratuliere zu eurer neuen Kamera. Ich habe auch eine Canon EOS. Du wirst sie nicht mehr missen wollen, denn sie macht tolle Bilder.

Gruß Gabriele

Pris said...

I wish I could have gone too! Looks like you guys had a blast and you all look GREAT IN GREEN!!!! We have the same camera!! Kurt LOVES it and is really good at the settings and stuff. I love it too, but I a best on Automatic mode!! Remember we had it last year at Christmas? We got a big fancy lens this year though. Very awesome!!